You told everyone you were going to make your fortune in America.
You sacrificed your youth for a practical degree that can "guarantee" you a job
You've given up sleep on weeknights to work 3x as hard as any American
You even asked for less so that they can have even MORE reason to hire you
BUT as smart, talented, and hardworking as you are...
You are DONE with NOT Being Paid What You Are WORTH!!
After years of schooling, nights of lost sleep, and leaving behind your home country
Are you being paid what you deserve?
Do you look with a mix of wonder and jealousy at the class clown who failed their classes but got better jobs at Big 4 Companies in your industry?
Do you end the month wishing you had more interviews,
While promising yourself that surely, SURELY, your next month would be better
IF you could just get over your fear of speaking to Americans and asking for your worth?
The Secret Sauce of Successful Immigrants
Ever wonder about the secrets of people who are able to get any job they want
get paid the rate that others would not even dare ask
and advance in their job when they are no different from you?
Is it Maybelline, magic, an ESL instructor, natural confidence, or something else?
Let me let you in on a secret:
Introducing The Wealthy Immigrant:
The 7 Week Program That Takes You From Uncertain to Making Money Selling YOUR Expertise
(Even if You Have an Accent, Have Never Held a Job, and Suck at Talking in General)
In 7 Weeks,
You'll Go from Being Ignored After You Introduce Yourself
To People Chasing After You After Your 30 Second Introduction
Online, in Person, On Paper, You Name it!
From No Network to a Network of 7,000+ Professionals If You Wanted
From Getting Rejected to Selling Your Expertise with Ease on the Phone
Go From Settling from Lower Than Market Price
To Commanding the Money and the Rate That You KNOW You Deserve
Go from calling yourself SHY
To being able to persuade groups of people to your side and give you their trust in dollars
From Know Nobody to A Network of 7,000+ And Growing
The Problem With Doing What You've Always Done:
Meanwhile, if you take more and more technical courses, hoping that will compensate for help you avoid having to talk to a group of people who can hire you..
let me ask you how is that working for you?
You KNOW you're smart, educated, and hard working, there's no problems understanding English, but you notice that you always get skipped over whenever you have to talk to a group of people, or worse, never hear back after interviews.
It doesn't have to be this hard.
I'm Li Lin, Coach for Successful Immigrants Who want to make shit tons of $$$ in the US.
Over the past 3 years, I have helped hundred of immigrants land their dream job, negotiate a 6 figure salary, and communicate with their bosses and co-workers in the US.
I've gone from shy to the point of hiding in the bathroom stalls during summer school in my sophomore year to avoid talking to people to being able to speak at TEDx, win Toastmasters' speeches, and get clients through my talks and webinars.
I teach my clients how to make money by having conversational confidence, and for the first time ever I will be sharing the techniques I use for my private clients for this program!
But Who Cares About Me!
Here are The Results That My Clients Get:
From Rejected to Impressing Hiring Managers on Job Interviews
Your Dream is Meant to Become a Reality.
Stop Making Excuses for Why You Can't!
Start to Realize You Have a Dream Because You Can Make it Happen!
This is For You If:
- You have HUGE dreams that you want to accomplish in the US
- You're smart and know that if you work hard with the right system, you get results
- You've tried everything to make yourself be more confident, but have failed in the past
- Your family called you crazy for coming to the US but you did it anyway and you are here to prove to them you made the right decision by making hella $$$!
- You believe that you can come from anywhere and make it
- You don't have to be an immigrant to join!
This is Not For You If:
- If you think the President, the government, or Americans are to blame for your situation.
- If you use your ethnicity as an excuse for not achieving success in the US.
- If you don't believe in doing the work to achieve the results you desire.
- If you describe yourself as lazy, unmotivated, and are ok with settling, please click away from this page now.
- Still here?
If you are ready to become seriously WEALTHY by being able to sell yourself, your ideas, and your products, here's how you can get it finished (in just under 5 weeks to reap a lifetime of benefits):
This Program Has Helped My International Clients & Immigrant Professionals Get Hired As:
- Software Engineers
- Accountants
- Business Analysts
- Data Scientists
- Tax Associates
- Senior Microbiologists
- QA Technicians
- Staticians
- Financial Analysts
- UX Designers
- Animators
- Graphic Designers
- Consultants
- Coaches
- and Experts in their Field!
Module 1:How to Successfully Job Hunt
How to Borrow the Brain of Uber Successful Immigrants and Achieve Epic Results!
(Even if You Have an Accent, Came to the US 2 Weeks Ago, & Feel Awkward Around Americans)
Module 2: Networking Like a Boss
Pin Down the EXACT Type of People Who Will Hire You for Your Expertise (Without Having to Pretend to Like Golf or Wasting Months & Years on People Who Play Pretend Boss)
Find the COURAGE to meet people who will become your mentors and people who can help you leapfrog your career, business, and life to the next level
Swipe the scripts that I teach to help my clients get hired by their future boss
Learn how to always get people who can help to say YES to meeting you in person, over the phone, and over email
These Companies Have Hired My Clients:
And I Teach How to Network in Real Life Too:
By Week 2, You Would Have Mastered How To:
How to build a network of 7,000 people even if you spent the last 7 years of your life studying under a rock your university
How to turn a stranger into a professional advocate that can refer you and shout your expertise from the rooftops with 1 single email
How to meet people from local networking events and skip the email and phone tag and directly book a meeting with them (even if you've never done this before and still think it's weird)
How to stand out at career fairs, conferences, and places where there are hundreds of people by positioning yourself as the best expert
How to get connected with the Big 4 Tech companies, Accounting Companies, through text messaging
How to reactivate your alumni network if you come from a middle of no where school with a less famous reputation than the best school in your country
How to position your home country's university if no American has heard of it before
How to turn ZERO experience into an ASSET that helps people want to hire you BECAUSE of it (my clients have done so and so can you)
How to actually use Linkedin to find your future boss and future co-workers without seeming like a crazy stalker and actually get "Wow, where have you been!" Responses
Module 3: Jobs & Companies That Sponsor
Say Goodbye to being rejected because of your visa and say hello to multiple offers!
Even if You Can't Convince Your Friends to See A Movie
How to Use 3-5 Stories to Be Amazing At ANY situation where you have to win people over to your point of view
How to handle any question like:
"Tell me about yourself"
"What's your greatest weakness"
"Why should we hire you?"
And be someone who says "I love selling!" at the end of each interview and get multiple offers
"Tell me about yourself"
"What's your greatest weakness"
"Why should we hire you?"
And be someone who says "I love selling!" at the end of each interview and get multiple offers
Got a Sales Position Based on Taught Techniques
Module 4: Resume & Cover Letter Makeovers
(Even if You Have Zero Personality, Think You're Boring, & Never Wrote a Paper You were Proud of In Your Life )
Week 5: Interview Mastery
Get your boss to say "How soon can you start?"
Even if You Hate Speaking & Don't Even use the phone to talk to your friends
I share the secrets of what it takes to get into TEDx Talks even if you have no experience
How to win Humorous Contests at Toastmasters Even if You're Not Funny
How to FOREVER be comfortable in front of crowds and conquer public speaking fear forever
Giving Back to a Community of 20,000+ Job Seekers
Conquer Fear of Public Speaking
Learn How to Land Big Opportunities
Week 6: Salary Negotiation
You'll get the template that helped my client land a $115,000 a year job along with relocation bonus and stock options, and how you can get the same results!
Week 7: Climbing the Career Ladder
How to get your MBA or PHd sponsored by the company, how to wow your boss even before you start, and continue the climb to make your American Dream a reality!
Once you join, You'll know exactly how to craft your pitch, carry on conversations that make the other person not want to leave, and how to ask for the salary you know you damn well deserve!
What you will learn at the end of this course:
- How to Successfully Position Yourself as the BEST candidate & think like a successful immigrant
- How to network without going to thousands of meetings with no result and instead how to effectively network using Linkedin, alumni groups, and people who can hire or refer you
- How to know what job titles and what companies can sponsor your H-1B/OPT job
- How to write your resume, cover letter, and portfolio with ease
- How to master interviewing in any situation, over the phone, over video, and in person and in groups
- How to negotiate a $115,000+ a year job just like my clients did
- How to continuously succeed in the USA and move beyond to getting your green card and living your American Dream
What My Clients Say:
Cindy, from Laid Off to Dream Job in 10 Weeks:
Saori, Negotiating Her Internship to a Fully Paid H-1B Job Offer:
Liwen, from International Student to 2 Jobs in the US (Mandarin Interview):
Getting a $40 hour part time job with a change on Linkedin
Be the next success story, join below:
Your Instructor
Over the past 3 years, Li Lin has coached 200+ immigrant professionals and international students to land their dream H-1B and OPT jobs in the US.
She is the founder of The Successful Immigrant, LLC and has been featured on TEDx as a speaker, written best selling Amazon books, and is the #1 coach for successful immigrants in the USA.
Her clients have found jobs as software engineers, financial analysts, UX designers, tax associates, statisticians, accountants, animators, graphic designers, project managers, and more.
Li Lin was born in Shanghai, China and came to the US in 2000.
She did not know any English at the time, but with determination to become a successful immigrant learned the language and graduated from UC Berkeley in 2012.
She has worked as a business analyst in online consultancies in San Francisco and has worked as a TOEFL instructor in the past, and currently works with her clients 1:1 to help them land $100,000+ a year jobs in the US to help more successful immigrants live the American Dream.
Check out her newest updated course called The Wealthy Immigrant to learn more on how you can turn your American Dream into your reality!
Courses Included with Purchase
Original Price: $197
Frequently Asked Questions
P.S. Not Sure if This is Right for You?
A Year From Now, Will You Be WONDERING What IF...
Will you finally have a fatter wallet, know with confidence that you can walk into any room, command the rate you want, and get people to pay you what you DESERVE because they FINALLY recognize your brilliance in a way that SPEAKS to them..
or will you still be wondering "Will next year be my year?"
I don't know about you, but if you've read this far, chances are that you and I are similar in ways that we ARE ambitious mofos who are out there to make our American Dreams happen.
And whenever I feel that I'm not sure about something, I remember this:
See you inside!